By Bizodisha Bureau, September 25, 2023: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik claimed transformational changes in various sectors of the state while emphasizing the state’s enduring values of peace, non-violence, and social cohesion.

The theme of his speech the Odisha Literary Festival revolved around “The ideas of identity.” Patnaik asserted that Odisha is currently undergoing significant shifts across multiple sectors. These include education, healthcare, agriculture among others. He emphasized that these transformations are not mere incremental changes but represent paradigm shifts in how these sectors operate and contribute to society.

The Chief Minister further claimed that women in Odisha feel more empowered than ever before and are taking on strong leadership roles within society. This increased empowerment has led to an overall increase in confidence among the people regarding their future prospects. According to Patnaik, this newfound confidence is unprecedented compared to previous times.

Despite these transformative changes occurring within the state, Patnaik reassured that peace, non-violence and social cohesion will continue to remain as eternal values for Odishans. These core principles form the roots of their growing identity amidst rapid societal transformation. A Multifaceted Identity Patnaik acknowledged that Odisha has many identities which its people celebrate with pride.

However, he asserted that a society’s true identity is defined by its core values rather than its diverse characteristics or achievements. Drawing upon historical events such as the Kalinga war for context, Patnaik stated that it was this determination to fight till the end which altered history’s course and spread messages of peace and non-violence. He affirmed that Odisha continues to stand for these principles even today.

He further pointed out the glorious era of Emperor Kharavela as a time when Odisha’s identity was reestablished as a vibrant society. This period, according to Patnaik, serves as a testament to the resilience and indomitable spirit of the people of Odisha. Naveen at the end underscored his belief in the ongoing transformational changes within various sectors in Odishan society.

However, he emphasized that despite this rapid evolution, core values such as peace, non-violence and social cohesion continue to form an integral part of their identity. By drawing upon historical events and figures, he highlighted how these enduring values have been ingrained into their societal fabric over centuries and will continue to guide them amidst changing times.

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