tilapia-feed-plant-costa-ricaBizodisha Bureau, Bhubaneswar, August 5, 2015 : Chief Secretary GC Pati on Wednesday asked officials of Koushlyagang sweet water fish rearing bank to activate the joint venture project of the state government and National Fishery Development Board by the end of this month aimed to rear varies of improved fish.

Reviewing the project here, he also directed the authorities at the fish research centre to rear at least ten varieties of improved fishes in the 12 ponds which have been constructed by the Fisheries Department and Odisha Construction Corporation.

In the first phase 35 ponds are being constructed to rear fish seeds at Koushlyagang.

So far seven ponds over seven acres have been completed, officials said adding that the construction of another 12 ponds on nearly 16 acres is in the final stages.

Work on 10 ponds over nearly 13 acres is in full swing, as press release said.

It said seeds of three improved breeds have been supplied to different states raised in these ponds and Government is planning to raise 10 more varieties in the near future.

Pati also asked the authorities at Koushlyagang to raise and develop some local varieties.

A three kilometer
road has been constructed to link the project at a cost of nearly Rs 4 crore.

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