By Vivekanand Pattanayak in Bhubaneswar, January 19, 2025: When civil servants are recruited, they come from different background. Some may be from the discipline of science, or from engineering, medical profession, agriculture specialization or from humanities background even with fine art specialization.

In addition to their academic specialization, they come with different linguistic, religious, sectarian, caste, creed, and ethnic origin. This is characteristic of a diverse country like India. It is equally relevant to recognize that some may come from the urban background while some may come from rural areas.

Some are from metros, cities, towns and from semi-urban or semi-rural experience.The parents may come from different professions, teaching, medical, civil service business, and agriculture. Many may have come from extremely poorbackgrounds, and some may be fortunate to have been raised with material wealth.Some may be fromeven upper middle class or lower middle class.

Some may have been outstanding students, and some may have modest but bright. The very fact all of them cleared a competitive examination one must presume all are academically sound and proficient. During student days some might have been talented players, artists, musicians, singers, painters, or speakers etc. Although they come from multiple different steams, when they come to civil service, they like Rivers getting into sea or oceans they will lose their identity of their source and background.

All members of the civil are expected to develop spirit-de-corps. They are all one, and ordained to serve the nation as equals, no matter with what background they come from. When they start their career, they will be subject to rigorous and discipline. In the initial stage they have to work hard to learn and specialize in the area of work. Professional competence is the starting point of civil service.

Knowing laws, rules, regulations, and manuals is fundamental.More importantly they should understand what the code of conduct is. Civil service may take them to different areas of specialization. Therefore; they should put their heart and soul to master the area of work.

The government spends a lot on human resource development. Money spent on them is enormous. From the time of joining civil service till one retires or superannuates, the government must have spent a colossal amount of money. Even after retirement they are looked after through pensions and medical benefits. Therefore, civil servants should recognize what they owe to the State, government, and society.

Under these circumstances they should appreciate how much and what they do to the larger society. No wonder they are expected to be honest, sincere, and hardworking and free of any prejudice on the grounds of differences in religious faith and belief,race,ethnic origin,caste,sect, and linguistic background.Political neutrality is the soul of civil service.

To be professionally competent all through the civil service career spanning from thirty to thirty-five years it requires tremendous effort. It depends upon who the trainer is and what is her/his background. As one goes through career progression, one must be conscious that one does not have the luxury of choice of supervisor, subordinate, or colleague. How to deal with them is an art and also science needing professionalskills, both soft and hard.

One must remember as time passes one acquires a family which has a profound effect on a professional career.When one reaches middle age one can be saddled with health problems.One should take preventive measures. In the course of career, one will be subject to temptations of cutting corner, compromising values, and can be coerced by colleagues, supervisors both political and administrative.

In the Indian context the civil service after the constitution was enacted has a constitutional status. It must therefore discharge its duties and responsibilities by keeping a larger view of the constitution. While the constitution and law give protection to the civil servants they can be unfairly harassed by their political and professional bosses.While they take decisions, they are subject to public scrutiny through statutory and judicial bodies, media, legislative institutions, and civil society.

Postings and transfers can be arduous, even done for administrative and political considerations which may appear to be unfair, unjust, and humiliating.Tenures of postings may vary not necessarily based on rules,logic, and human considerations.Unfair disciplinary proceedings and investigations can also cause psychological and mental agony. These are the hazards of civil service. As long as one’s conscience is clear one can overcome these challenges. One should steel one’s will to face something unpleasant and difficult in the long career in the civil service andone should never break down under pressure of adversity. That is the Summum Bonum of civil service.

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