By Bizodisha Bureau, Bhubaneswar, July 16, 2024: Odisha has emerged as one of the fast-moving states among 10 others, during 2018 to 2023-24 period by recording an improved sustainable development goal (SDG) score by 15 points.

According to the SDG India Index 2023 released by NITI Aayog recently, Odisha has made substantial improvement in several parameters including ‘No Poverty’ in which the state has jumped from aspirant to front-runner category by scoring 73 points. The overall performance of Odisha has also improved from 61, a performer in 2020-21 to 66, a front-runner in 2023-24.

According to the report, the head count ratio of Odisha as per the multi-dimensional poverty improved from 35.9 per cent to 15.8 per cent. This is below many states like Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Besides, 99.92 per cent of the persons who demanded employment were provided jobs under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). The report stated that 11.3 per cent of people resided in kutcha houses in the state.

In the latest report, India’s overall SDG score for 2023-24 has improved to 71, showing a significant rise from 66 in 2020-21 and 57 back in 2018 (baseline report). The scores for states now range from 57 to 79 for 2023-24, marking a notable improvement compared to the earlier range of 42 to 69 observed in 2018.

Expressing his happiness over the situation, former chief minister Naveen Patnaik took to X and wrote, “Glad to know that our inclusive policies and effective implementation of welfare initiatives helped Odisha reduce multidimensional poverty as per the SDG INDEX INDIA 23-24. Happy to know that Odisha is the leading state in the country in lifting millions out of poverty.”

Odisha has also emerged as a front-runner in many other SDG categories including Good Health and Well-being, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Responsible Consumption and Production and Life on Land with scores of 73, 88, 84 and 85 respectively.

However, the state remains in the aspirant category in ‘Zero Hunger’ which is SDG 2 with a low score of 45. The percentage of pregnant women between 15 and 49 years of age who are anemic has increased to 61.8 per cent from 47.6 per cent in the previous index. Similarly, the percentage of stunted children under five years has gone up from 29.1 per cent to 31 per cent in this index.

Children who are underweight have increased from 29.2 per cent to 29.7 per cent. However, the beneficiaries under NFSA have increased from 94.98 per cent to 99.93 per cent.

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