By Ranendra Pratap Swain* : What you call a young boy whose power adrenaline shoots up and pedals its way straight from Cuttack to Peshawar (now in Pakistan) on a bicycle?
What you call a young man whose patriotic energy cells blast and propel his way from India to Indonesia to do one of world’s most adventurous rescue operations for the raja mlacause of a nation that many even dreaded to think of? What you call an old man who is ever ready for everything and never stops dreaming big and doing bigger till he breathed his last? …

That’s the rarest of the rare syndrome that epitomizes positive energy, progressive thinking, and prompt action that makes any man a superman. That’s what I prefer to call the ‘Bigger B’ syndrome. Humanized, it’s called Bijayananda patnaik; lovingly called Biju babu . The rarest of the rare person, I had the destiny and the opportunity to meet as a child and eventually grow up with in many meaningful ways.

On this great day of his birth centenary while many people would be remembering, thinking and talking of many fascinating and awe inspiring stories about this great man in many different ways; I would like to tell it with a little personal touch, just the way I had closely known him, worked with him, observed him and almost felt him in my heart and soul.

The memory of my first encounter with this ‘prabada purush’ over half a century back is still so vivid and alive that I can feel the moments’ even now. I was just 10, when my anxious father , with all eagerness to build his children’s future, sent me along with my elder brother to meet Shri Biju Patnaik, the then chief minister of Odisha for the right guidance. I must tell you here that my father was a war veteran, who fought the Second World War with full zest and vigour. As the war left him winner, proud but handicapped he told his friend Bhuban Mohan Pattanaik (Amu Uncle), ‘ another war veteran to take me and my elder brother to Biju babu along with a letter. We both brothers went with Amu uncle’ and met Shri Biju Patnaik in the Secretariat with high spirit and hope of a right guidance.

But then, as a child hardly I could realize that his guidance would also come as a big blessing; not just for my school education but for my whole life too. ‘’ Send them to Sainik school, that would make these boys winning soldiers of life ’’ were his words of advice that still din into my ears and vibrate my every cell. He didn’t stop there. True to his intention and pro active nature, he even recommended us to get into that school, which he himself had founded and helped grow under his close supervision.

Not just that, to encourage the meritorious even further he had initiated scholarships, so that no meritorious ever loses the opportunity just because of financial limitations. As both of us were good students we passed all required tests and got scholarships of Rs. 2200/- each per annum. Not just me, there were many who availed this advantage and could continue their studies, made good in school and then in life. Had it not been so, I doubt, if all those talents would have ever got utilized.

That was Biju Patnaik who knew the power of human resources and its lifelong values for the society at large. Decades after, when I look back, now I can see what he saw then. Educated and trained in a ‘soldier of life’ fashion in Sainik School in the early years of my life helped me evolve such, that even today, I always find myself a happy soldier confidently facing and celebrating life in any way it unfolds. No qualms, no hang-ups, no complaining, no cribbing.

Just living life purposefully to the fullest every moment. Discipline, hard work, punctuality, bravery, and the idea of fighting for a cause that you stand for is all that my great school taught me. And all that I could continue to cultivate, nurture and develop into my everyday life, character and conduct is because of the long associations with ‘My Dear Sir’ who has been the epitome of all these valuable traits . In fact, never I have found him discouraging anyone for anything and never I have discovered him disbelieving anyone coming to him with any size dream. May be, he always desired to create that maximum Odisha of his dream creating that maximum Odiya’ in every field and all walks of life in maximum numbers.
Why may be?… I think, it must be the parts of his insights to match his unique foresights.

A man of many amazing traits the great Biju Patnaik is a human wonder. Not just multidimensional multitasking and multi purposeful in design and intentions, he has been very much a multi-beneficial -catalyst behind Odisha’s transformation by his nonstop actions. What awes me the most is the harmonious blend of many seemingly contrasting traits in his personality that make him so uniquely wholesome. May be, nature had designed him that way.

A man who before sunrise does his duty as an obedient son touching his mother’s feet is also the man who daringly jumps to do something impossible for the cause of the motherland before the sun sets. He can be anything and can take many forms in one single day as if playing all the roles to perfection. Son, husband, father, friend and the leader. All, so spiritedly, yet so mindfully. People those who know him from close, know about the tears that filled his eyes when his mother died; and also about the terrible fire in those same eyes when he jumps to stake anything in the honor of the motherland, be it Odisha or India.

biju-patnaikPeople those who have heard him closely … of course I am one among them … talk at length about how Biju the entrepreneur could see the high growth potential of markets of Asia, Africa and Latin America decades back; also about how Biju the reformer would go to any length about the urgent need to empower the women, while fighting fiercely for the rights of the underprivileged and the downtrodden. You could see him rubbing shoulders with the high and the mighty’ sitting on the national and global high table as a top political dignitary; and you could also see him jumping from a local rickshaw only to hold hand of a poor while doling out a big note telling him to go and eat and be merry, just as any loving and extra caring human being would do.

If one reflects his strong will and his leadership vision, the other talks of his human warmth and unique compassion. And this deadly combination has worked well to make him a natural winner in many fronts. While his boldness, sense of pride and his indomitable spirit made him a great freedom fighter who contributed his most for the nation in many ways, his terrific humanity sense made him a great leader who would strictly adhere to the principles of secularism , unity and diversities that bonds and builds the nation even better.

As I have experienced the values’ of his associations many times and in many ways, each time I found myself drawing a little closer to him, both emotionally and rationally. He always won my heart as a great human being; Generous, compassionate, kind and ready to help anyone, anytime. And as a great political leader and a thinking reformer, he always inspired me with his ideology, conviction and a never say die attitude.

The way he made development and growth his creed and moved at a remarkable speed to vastly transform Odisha used to amaze me a lot. And the way he was holding to ground zero and settling ticklish social issues ensuring a harmonious integration of women, minorities, SC, ST, OBC and the poor into the mainstream was great lessons to me as a student aware of politics. And a day of my life arrived when for all practical purpose he became my friend, philosopher and guide and stayed that way till his last breath.

I remember: I was studying in Revenshaw and was very active in student politics and social work. Once, I went to see him to discuss about some important issues concerning students. Not only he solved that, he made it a point that students continue to play a key role in thinking, engaging and helping in building up the state in more effective manner. That was the first time; I decisively thought of leaving a great career dream behind and make service to people the career of my life for the whole of my life.

Perfectly matching to my new desire and determination, came an opportunity to serve the people more effectively. In 1989- 90 Shree Biju Patnaik gave me a break and told me go ahead and contest from Athagarh. As I was new to Athagarh, he took me to the stage, introduced me and declared publicly about his intention and my ability to best serve the people of Athgarh.

‘’ Take care of one and all. Especially the old poor and the helpless’’ were his personal words to me. And I have been dedicating all my efforts for everyone since day one. As they say what you give comes back to you with more, the results of my Athagarh bond has truly surpassed all my expectations. I give all my energies and honestly try to do everything possible for everyone in Athagarh. The bond has become unbreakable. And my faith and dedication to my people has become unshakable.

Year after year passes by. But my strong commitment to Biju Babu and to my people remains intact. Today, on his birth centenary, I pride myself once again to be one of his disciples and reaffirm my faith on his ideology and the legacy he left. And I re-pledge to continue to work ceaselessly to fulfill his long cherished dream to make Odisha and India vibrant and resurgent.
Remembering my mentor in my mind, feeling for him in my heart, it’s time for me to go into silence to pray for his soul! …

{Mr Swain is MLA, Athgarh}*

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