Dr. D. K. Panigrahi : India got independence on 15th August 1947. Every year we celebrate this day as Independence Day. This year our country observes 69th Independence Day. On this occasion, there is relevance of presenting some issues of freedom struggle.

Many foreigners ruled Indians for a very short period of time. Portuguese ruled.Dutch ruled. French ruled. But our country was under the British rule for over two centuries. During the British rule the Indians were leading a miserable life. They had no freedom of speech and no freedom of movement. The press was censored. Higher education was rare. Indians were ruthlessly killed for raising their voice against the atrocities of the rulers. The British oppressed Indians. An Indian could be jailed without trial in court.

Unfortunately, the rebels, Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi, Tatya Tope and others were not organised. The British crushed their revolt. Still, brave Tatya Tope continued to harass the enemy till a friend betrayed him. From every drop of my blood will be born a patriot who will fight to free Bharat. The British exiled emperor Bahadur Shah to Burma. He wrote- so long as there is an ounce of patriotism in our heroes, the sword of independence will advance to the throne in London. These patriots failed. But the memory of their struggle lived on to inspire others.

In 1915, Gandhiji arrived from South Africa. He opened a novel Ashram at Ahmadabad. He taught Ahimsa. We must not harm anybody .Fight injustice but love the enemy and always speak the truth. Shed fear and be united.

Our great patriot, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, despite strict police watch, had earlier escaped to Afghanistan. He said, “I must go to Moscow and do propaganda for liberating India. But international developments kept him in Germany for freedom. By now Japan had conquered South-East Asia. Rash Behari Bose, the old revolutionary who had settled in Japan, called a meeting. So we agree that we should form a regular Army to free India. Unity, Faith, Sacrifice is our motto. Yes, we will fight. We will free India.

In a few months, the Indian National Army was formed. Thousands of Indians joined it. Subhash Chandra Bose came to Japan (1942-44). Rash Behari Bose said to him, “Now you lead this army. You areour Netaji”.
Netaji met Tojo, the Prime Minister of Japan. Tojo said, “Japan will help your Excellency to liberate India. Our Army will march to India. Your Excellency should only get us the Indian people’s good will”. Netaji responded. No. Any liberation of India secured through Japanese sacrifices is worse than slavery! Our people will fight to liberate our motherland. We want only arms- not Japan’s men or money! He inspired complete unity among Hindus and Muslims of South-East Asia. All my sons will join your Army! All my savings! I donate all my property for freeing India.

Netaji proclaimed the provisional Government of Azad Hind and told his eager- Jawans-There, beyond those jungles, lies the soil from which we sprang. India is calling. Blood is calling blood, Chalo Delhi! In May 1944 the Jawans fought their way to Mowdok in Assam. Chalo Delhi! Jai Hind! Netaji’s brave jawans defeated much bigger British Battalions, but the monsoon set in early that year. Supplies could not reach them through the jungles. Let us go back to Burma. No, friends. You may retreat because your Tokyo lies that way! Our goal Delhi is there!

The Japanese had to divert their forces to fight the Americans. In the jungle the jawans had no food, supplies or transport. But they did not lose heart. Well, isn’t grass great food! It contains all the vitamins! All medicines finished? Oh, these mosquitoes! Will we live to see our Netaji? As starvation and

Malaria were killing thousands of these brave patriots, British forces which had meanwhile gathered strength captured them in May 1945. But their struggle inspired their brothers in India. In February 1946, Ratings of the Royal Indian Navy rebelled against their British officers. Break the chains of slavery! Freedom! The Naval Ratings Mutiny shook the rulers. Rulers-I have serious doubts the loyalty of the Army too! Yeah! All these fighters will any moment go over to Gandhi and Nehru! The situation is getting out of control.

Meanwhile (1946), encouraged by British, the Muslim League politicians demands increased.
Poet Iqbal said-Muslims have a distinct language, tradition and culture. We cannot survive under the Hindus. We want our own homeland Pakistan. Congressmen spoke again and again to the
Muslim League leaders- Let us unite. Then alone we can get freedom. Muslims- No, after freedom, Hindus will, as usual, dominate over Muslims, as history shows. The congress leaders said that Muslim fears were imaginary; but Jinnah, the topmost league leader, refused to listen.

Creating Pakistan is the only solution. Mahatma Gandhi- No, I cannot agree to cut up mother
India! Britain again sent eminent statesmen to India for talks. They all failed. The result of all this was that Hindus and Muslims began to kill each other. Divide India Pakistan Zindabad! The Jawans of the Azad Hind Fauz (1946-47) were court-marshalled for waging war against the King-emperor. This trail is wholly illegal! These patriots were trying to free their motherland from slavery. Is that crime? The trial stirred the whole country. Thousands of demonstrations were held in support of the Jawans. Britain had won the war, but the fight had made her weak. In London-We have to rebuild Britain first. We cannot afford to rule over India. And we no longer get’s the Indian cooperation.

Jinnah kept telling the Muslims the congress is bent upon setting up a Caste-Hindu Raj with British help. The Muslim Nation must now take ‘Direct Action’. Direct Action meant terrible riots to force acceptance of Pakistan. Gandhiji went to Noakhali to calm the riot-frenzied people stating you are all brothers. The Viceroy formed an interim Government taking congress and league ministers. If we sabotage the Hindu ministers’ policies, we will get Pakistan earlier.

Finance Minister, Liaquat Ali Khan then blocked all proposals of the congress ministers. India must be divided. There is no other way. For a century, thousands have fought and died for India as a whole. Now to give up the ideal of India’s unity is terrible! It is better to separate two brothers when they are fighting. Finally, on August 15, 1947, India and Pakistan became two different countries.

Jawaharlal Nehru became the Prime Minister of India. The soul of the Nation, long suppressed, now finds voice! Freedom! It is for this moment that lakhs were jailed and killed and several thousands were bayoneted and trodden under the horse’s hoofs! Patriots and martyrs, we will not fail you! India! Jay Bharat! But Gandhiji, the foremost architect of freedom, was killed by a fanatic.

We adopted a constitution of our choice. India’s Government will be Democratic and it will not help or hinder any religion. We must wipe out the evil effects of two centuries of foreign rule…
We must conquer poverty. While the Jawans guard freedom, the people must work hard and produce more.

What a struggle to win freedom… What sacrifices! The struggle has not ended. We have still to conquer narrow mindedness. We have to shed fear… It was for us that those patriots sacrificed their all! We must follow their example…. Particularly non – violent patriotism. Remember also they did not fight over language, new states and the like! Jay Hind!

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